Source code for flutes.exception

import functools
import inspect
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
from bdb import BdbQuit
from typing import Optional

from .log import log

__all__ = [

[docs]def register_ipython_excepthook() -> None: r"""Register an exception hook that launches an interactive IPython session upon uncaught exceptions. """ def excepthook(type, value, traceback): if type is KeyboardInterrupt or type is BdbQuit: # Don't capture keyboard interrupts (Ctrl+C) or Python debugger exit events. sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback) else: ipython_hook(type, value, traceback) # Enter IPython debugger on exception. from IPython.core import ultratb ipython_hook = ultratb.FormattedTB(mode='Context', color_scheme='Linux', call_pdb=1) sys.excepthook = excepthook
[docs]def log_exception(e, user_msg: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): r"""Convenience function to log an exception using the logging interface. :param e: The exception instance. :param user_msg: An optional user message to print. :param kwargs: Additional arguments for :func:`~flutes.log.log`. """ exc_msg = f"<{e.__class__.__qualname__}> {e}" if user_msg is not None: exc_msg = f"{user_msg}: {exc_msg}" try: if not (isinstance(e, subprocess.CalledProcessError) and e.output is not None): log(traceback.format_exc(), "error", **kwargs) log(exc_msg, "error", **kwargs) except Exception as log_e: print(exc_msg) print(f"Another exception occurred while logging: <{log_e.__class__.__qualname__}> {log_e}") raise log_e
[docs]def exception_wrapper(handler_fn=None): r"""Function decorator that calls the specified handler function when a exception occurs inside the decorated function. By default, ``handler_fn`` is ``None``, and :func:`log_exception` will be called to print the exception details. A custom handler function takes the following arguments: - A positional argument for the exception object. This must be the first argument of the method. - Arguments with matching names to arguments in the wrapped method. These arguments will be filled with values passed to the wrapped method. These arguments cannot take default values. - Arguments without matching names. These arguments must take default values. - An optional variadic keyword argument (``**kwargs``). This will be filled with remaining argument name-value pairs that are not captured by other arguments. For example: .. code:: python def handler_fn(e, three, one, args, my_arg=None, **kw): ... @exception_wrapper(handler_fn) def foo(one, two, *args, three=None, **kwargs): ... foo(1, "2", "arg1", "arg2", four=4) Assuming a :py:exc:`ValueError` is thrown, the argument values for ``handler_fn`` would be: .. code:: e: <ValueError> three: None one: 1 args: ("arg1", "arg2") my_arg: None kw: {"two": "2", "kwargs": {"four": 4}} """ def _unwrap(fn): if hasattr(fn, "__wrapped__"): return _unwrap(fn.__wrapped__) return fn def decorator(func): if handler_fn is not None: handler_argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(_unwrap(handler_fn)) if len(handler_argspec.args) == 0: raise ValueError("Exception handler must have a positional argument for the exception object") if handler_argspec.varargs is not None: raise ValueError("Exception handler cannot have a varargs argument (*args)") handler_arg_names = set(handler_argspec.args[1:] + handler_argspec.kwonlyargs) handler_args_with_defaults = set((handler_argspec.kwonlydefaults or {}).keys()) if handler_argspec.defaults is not None: handler_args_with_defaults |= set(handler_argspec.args[-len(handler_argspec.defaults):]) handler_arg_names -= handler_args_with_defaults inner_signature = inspect.signature(func) for name in handler_arg_names: if name not in inner_signature.parameters: raise ValueError(f"Argument '{name}' in exception handler does not match " f"any argument in wrapped method") for name in handler_args_with_defaults: if name in inner_signature.parameters: raise ValueError(f"Argument '{name}' matches wrapped method argument, thus " f"cannot have default values") @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if handler_fn is None: log_exception(e) else: # Credit: bound_args = inner_signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound_args.apply_defaults() handler_args = {name: bound_args.arguments[name] for name in handler_arg_names} if handler_argspec.varkw is not None: var_kw = {name: value for name, value in bound_args.arguments.items() if name not in handler_arg_names} handler_args.update(var_kw) # they would just match the kwargs return handler_fn(e, **handler_args) return wrapped return decorator